May 6, 2008

From Matthew T.

Hola! from Argentina! Everything has been great so far, and the food very good. The institute we are staying at is a huge blessing and a pretty cool place. Last night, we had the opportunity to present several music pieces to many of the local pastor's and wives in the area - it was a huge blessing to them. The people here love fellowship, and the place is much slower than America - which is a blessing as well. Praise the Lord for the testimonies we were able to hear from the Self family, the Greenwoods, and the Estremas. We have been having classes in the morning with the missionaries where they get to share their heart with us. This morning, Jeremy Estrema presented his heart for Evangelism from Acts 11 - it was a great challenge and encouragement. Micah, he reminds me a lot of Uncle Bryan - you would like him a lot. I am very excited to be here and see what God is doing in our hearts.

Buen Dia y Chao.
Mateo Tanis

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thanks for the update. The pictures are great. They help us see what is happening. We are praying for you and miss you. Have a great day.

We love you,

Your family