May 9, 2008

From Ryan

Hey Family and Friends,

This trip has been amazing. Thank you so much for your giving and your prayers. I cannot wait to tell you in detail of what has been going on. Today has been great so far in the plaza. Next week we will be in Uraguay which will be awesome. Well, I got to go, but wanted to say Hi again, and I will talk to you later.

Love you all,


From Emily D.

Mom & Dad!

First things first. Alex is this guy I met in Argentina... just kidding. There are two Emilys on this trip and that post was from Emily Sieger. They thought I wrote it :) I'm looking foward to coming home and getting my cell phone back so I can try to fix what you have done. :) I love it here! The pace is a lot slower than in the States and people don't like to get up early so, they don't. Hmm... I think God wants me to stay here!? ;)

Dad, you would've LOVED the hospital. They let us take pictures of some of the surgeries! Not all of them turned out but I can't wait to show you the ones that did. We almost got to see a baby being born but we were a little late because she came so fast. When we got in the room the doctor was holding the baby and they hadn't even cut the cord yet. It was still amazing to see and that baby had a ton of hair! :) Mom, I have a little bit more respect for you now. :)

We went shopping yesterday and that was so much fun! I bought a soccer jersey so that made me happy. Mom, I got you something that you'll probaby like because, every girl would like what I got you :) Dad, how does a tie sound? :) They are cheap here, only about six or seven U.S. dollars.

I love you all! Tell the rest of the fam Hola for me and give the dog a scratch behind the ears. I'm sure she knows I'm gone. :)

Miss you,

From Laura.....again :)

Familia and Amigos-
Hey its Laura again...I'm in an internet cafe right now and i figured I should write when I have the chance. Today I found out I had the hidden talent of making animal balloons haha it was alot of fun....I helped make them for kids at a park that we were singing at. The kids are so cute here. The parks here are goreous. Tonight we are going back to the same park and this time the radio and TV will be there which is pretty exciting, so listen if you can! ......I keep telling everyone to let me sing my solo but for some reason we seem to never have time for it ;) haha (jk Ill stick to the animal balloons) . Next week we are going to Uruguay! Lots of people are hearing the gospel so pray that the people will clearly understand and that God will soften their hearts! And also pray that all of us will keep getting the rest we need :) I miss you all! Love you! Hasta Luego! -Laura

Sorry if the punctuation is messed up...this keyboard is just a lil different :)

From Emily S.

Dear Mom, Dad, Casey, Molly, Jennie, Tom, Cassie, Sarah, Alyson, Megan, bro-in-laws, nephew, niece, and Alex,

I know it's a long greeting, but I wanted to make sure that you all know you're thought of. I hope you all get this. Earlier we had a mix-up... there are two Emily's on this trip, me and Emily Dow, and when I did my posts on the blog, they put my post under Emily D.'s name... so I hope that doesn't confuse you. Everything here is great! We are getting a lot of great experiences. God is so good! We even got to go shopping yesterday! I wish you all could come here! You would love it!!
I miss you all and think of you often. Has Sonya had her puppies yet?

Love ya and prayin for you all,


Alex, I wish you could be here! You would love it! I'm thinking of and praying for you!

Team in Martinez

Today we're ministering in an area by the name of Martinez. We headed out from where we are staying at about 9:00 this morning and will be here all day, probably not returning until at least 10:30 tonight.

We first met at the church and then headed out to distibute tracts and flyers for the concierto (concert) that we will be putting on tonight at the church. Please pray that the concert would go well! The church is really hoping that this will be a great evangelism opportunity!

Those in the brass ensemble played on a couple different street corners while others of us handed out the flyers and tracts. Then we moved to the plaza (which is what most of their parks seem to be called) and set up a sound system and began playing instruments and singing. Quite a few people stopped and listened, and we were really able to get the word out about the concert tonight a la iglesia (at the church). Some of the team members made balloon animals for the kids that were in the park.

We enjoyed an excellent lunch of sloppy joes (probably some of the best that we've ever had) along with really good potato chips and some jello-mixed-with-whipped-cream dessert.

This evening we will be performing in the same plaza and then going to the church to play and sing there as well! Please pray that God would bring in unsaved souls to hear His Gospel, and that they would respond! Please pray that God would make us a blessing to the body of believers here in Martinez!

Jess also had an amazing conversation with a few Argentines, and she said that at least one of them seemed really close to accepting Christ! Pray for them to understand and to accept Christ, as well as to come to the church with any questions!

Thanks for your prayers thus far, they have been immensely appreciated. The fellowship that we have been able to enjoy with our brothers and sisters in Christ has been incredible!

(posted by Jacob Job)

Quick Correction

There was an earlier post made which was titled as being from Emily D.

It was actually from Emily S.! This post is the one being corrected:

The comment left for Emily D. was still given to her :)