August 3, 2010

Coughs and Sniffles

Thank you all for praying for our team! We have seen God working in so many ways - and it has been incredibly exciting! We do ask for specific prayer for the health of our team. Being that it is winter here in Argentina and colds are going around, our team has begun to sniffle and cough a little more each day.

As far as ministry opportunities are concerned, we have had many - some aniticipated and others not. We have done eight services or so and have seen many decisions made. The team is currently staying in various host homes; and it has been a blessing to get to know some of the church families better. Tomorrow morning we will be going south, to Mar del Plata, to minister for three days in the surrounding churches; and then we will come back to Buenos Aires. Thank you for all your prayers concerning our team. They truly are much appreciated.

On another note, here are some interesting tidbits about members of Team Argentina:

  • Ben Flack was able to make his connection for the Argentina flight, due to an hour delay of the plane to Argentina praise the Lord!

  • Lacey Bland is drinking plenty of water. (It has been neat to see how the Lord provides even the "little" things like bottled water).

  • Liz Lodwick is doing a wonderful job taking pictures for the team.

  • All of the Argentine people love Dr. Meyer's preaching. And there are many people at the church tonight listening to his lecture on "Addictions."

  • Dr. Ledgerwood is doing a beautiful job on the piano (no surprise : ) - and the people LOVE it when he plays his "Mickey Mouse" song.

  • Everyone on the team has been very enthuisiastic and it has been very neat to see how we have "pulled together."

We will do our best to continue to keep you updated. Please continue to keep us in your prayers! THANK YOU!!!

~ Emily Flack, for Team Argentina

Loving the People

Team Argentina highlights:

  • A teen retreat at a camp from Thursday night through Saturday provided the team with multiple ministry opportunities including: planning and organizing activities, producing skits, playing games, discipling the teens, counseling, and learning Spanish. My heart was really blessed watching our team members as they spent time talking with the Argentine teenagers. An additional strength of our team was their versatility in adjusting to pouring rain on Friday. All outdoor games were impossible (except for football in the mud) to have so the team creatively accumulated indoor games. We didn’t have Internet access during this retreat so weren’t able to post any news.

  • We have ministered now in three different churches. We have already fallen in love with the Argentine people—they are such sweet people. The team has been ministering in music with the people responding so sweetly to our music. We really have had such a wonderful time ministering in music and the Word. I have had the opportunity to preach 6 times in 3 days. Ben has also participated by preaching for the teens at the retreat.

  • Sunday evening we ministered at Do Torcuato and were so thrilled to see a 25-30 member orchestra debut in the church using instruments donated by Maranatha over the last two years. The team also ministered a full package of music including testimonies. Praise the Lord especially for several who professed faith in Christ.

  • We have gone on three shopping trips now in various parts of Buenos Aires. We have also experienced a variety of Argentine food in a number of settings; most agree that the Empanadas are the best (except for the plates of steaks we enjoyed at “Follow the Cow”).

  • Early Tuesday morning, the team leaves for Mar del Plata (south about 5 hours) to minister in a number of churches. I remain in Don Torcuato to teach a class on Counseling Addictions Monday through Friday in the evening. Please pray for the team’s health (cold weather has been difficult) since the team is heading into even colder temps with snow in the forecast. Sore throats are beginning to emerge already.

Dr. Meyer