I want to say right off the bat that we have had many blessings so far on this trip. I am sorry I have not said much on the blog but I will make up for it now :). The first week has gone by so fast, and we have done so much. We have been to at least 3 churches, 2 plazas (parks) and have handed out tons of literature about our concerts with tracts. Last night we were at a church that was struggling and the pastor took so much time making nice flier's for us and just promoting our coming. The night had to be from God because over 50 visitors came and they listened to the music and the message intently. Some of the songs they would sing with us and were blessed with all the music that was presented. After the concert we stuck around to fellowship with the people and I meet a girl who was disabled. She was a sweet girl and she was blessed by the music. I was able to talk to her for a bit about how she learned English and what she likes. I meet her Aunt and sister. They were all so nice and wanted to practice there English. I was able to get her e-mail and I hope to stay in contact with her! If she is not saved I hope to witness to her, but I think she is a believer.
The messages from Mr. Trainer have been a huge rebuke to me! I have been convicted of my lack of love and devotion to the Lord. I have been encouraged and blessed by the music too! It is amazing to sing in a language you are not familiar with and know that it is impacting people :). It is also interesting to think that God does not just know English and Spanish but every language and He hears them all at the same time. He is truly an amazing God!!!!! I am looking forwarded to receiving blessings and being a blessing as well.
Mom, I love you and miss you!!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!I hope you can handle me being away for just one more month...now 2 weeks :)! Is there anything specific you want me to bring home for you? I have key chains, mugs, and some jewelery. I also bought a cool frog puppet. I am looking forward to wearing my Argentina Jacket, too. The experience of shopping in Argentina and paying with Pesos was cool.
Church, Thanks for your prayers and support! I am blessed to know that I have a wonderful church family that is willing to support me! Words cannot describe the feeling that overwhelms me when I think of all the thing you have done for me. I am so thankful!!! I will have a ton of stories for you when I get back. I am trying to get enough stuff to make a display board for everyone to see. I am trying :) to take pictures but I am not much of a photographer. Jacob is taking a ton and will burn them on a CD for us. I hope to use the stuff I get here for a display board in my classroom or when I am on deputation :) I will let the Lord make that decision....maybe both.
Well, thanks for listening to me ramble. Again sorry I am not been faithful in blogging more. I am not much of a writer :(. You can read what is going on in other peoples blogs too if you want more information. I am going to try to write more.
His Servant,