May 6, 2008

From Betsy

I believe I can speak for the rest of the team when I say, "We've already started falling in love with this country, its people--especially its believers." But with a comment like that comes great responsibility. Love, in its purest form, is the God who sent His Son to die for sinners. Love requires sacrifice, selflessness, and a servant's heart. This certainly isn't always easy for humans--even redeemed ones! So please pray for us that we might bring glory to God, and become conformed to the image of Christ.

It was a joy to fellowship with believers on another continent. Our prayer is that we can encourage different local church bodies, and be instrumental in their outreach ministries. Our opportunities in this area are numerous, and seem to be multiplying. In truth, expectations for our proficiency in music, TESL, etc. are high. I know I feel a level of uncertainty and inadequacy to meet these expectations. Be in prayer for us that God will teach us dependence on Him, and that His strength will be magnified in our weakness.



Flia. Borstad said...

Betsy, I'm so glad that you are experiencing that winsome Argentine spirit. Your comments were very well expressed and reflect the attitude of a learner. You will be able to give much in your weeks in Argentina, but I pray that there will be many Argentines who will give back to you! We're praying for you! Love, Sherry

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy
I hope you are having a great time there in argentina. Although it would've been nice if you could've been there when we were there. Maybe in the future.

Well I will see you this summer.
Take care, I am praying for you.

P.S. If you get the chance try some argentine pizza, it wont be the same as what you get here. BUT it is good.

Jacob Borstad

Jodi said...

Praying for you, Betsy.


Fevered Brain said...

Found you! I will link this blog in my browser so I can keep up. Blessings to you and the team.

Remember that God's word is more powerful than our methods or our personalities (Romans 10:17-21).

Pastor Steve Svendsen