May 10, 2008

From Betsy

Our God reigns! Visiting these churches has been such a blessing. Yesterday I was with Jeremy Estrema and others, passing out fliers and tracts in San Miguel. Jeremy is a passionate Italian set on evangelizing Buenos Aires. He told us that the area we were in was one of the roughest, and that five of ten would accept the tracts. Also, he asked us to notice the peoples' faces--he described them as hard, angry at God and the world. It was true; their faces portrayed more accurately their eyes--a hopelessness in their hearts.

The church people though, shared vibrantly the joy and certain hope they had in Christ. Ultimately, I think they bless and challenge us more than we could ever do for them. It brings me to shame when I consider the many times I have taken my Christian home and heritage for granted. So to respond to your comment, Aunt Sherry, the Argentines have returned more than I have given. And Jacob, I've had the pizza and its muy ricas! I'm told that means "very delicious." And I especially like the olives on top. We are doing well. Good food, good people, and a good God. Thank you for your prayers.

- Betsy

P.S. Jacob, could you tell Andres there is a sever shortage of tacos!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Hey, Betsy, I just ate a Laffy Taffy and so I have a joke for you . . .

Q: What did the little boy tell the game warden?

A: That his dad was in the kitchen poaching eggs.

OK, sorry, veeeery bad! But it did have me thinking of you and praying. Hope all is well.
