May 25, 2008

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord for safety in each of our flights as well as during customs and security.

We are now back in the states and I would assume that most everyone from the team is going to take a day or two to recoup from an amazing time in Argentina. The Lord was so good to us while we were there. If you see one of the team members, just mention the plaza ministries, youth group, churches, or the missionaries, and I am sure they would love to tell you how God worked in several different ways to see souls saved and added to the local churches in Buenos Aires.

We would like to say thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. We don't believe the trip would have been as effective in our hearts and lives or the people of Argentina without your prayer support during these past three weeks.

Thanks again,
Team Argentina

1 comment:

manuel said...

Gloria a Dios. Hemos estado orando por todos ustedes. Ahora estamos esperando oir lo que Dios ha alli.
Que Dios bendiga a todo el equipo