August 17, 2010

God Works it Out

Dear Praying Friends,
Seeing how God works everything out is amazing, especially because His ways are so much better than our ways. We spent Friday and Saturday in Martinez with Pastor Gabriel Verdi and his family. One of the highlights of their year is having Team Argentina at their church. “Pastor Gabby” is very outgoing and always does a huge promotion for our concerts. Last year, the team went to downtown Martinez to play on the street corners and pass out flyers. We were all set to do the same again this year. We had only been playing a few minutes, though, when a policeman came and told us we were not allowed to play there. Pastor Gabby explained that the municipal office had given us permission, but the policemen would not let us continue. We packed up our instruments and started passing out flyers while Pastor Gabby went to the municipal office to complain. The municipal officer told him that, since last year, the law had changed; groups now need written permission to play downtown. But the officer also said that his grandfather was a Baptist missionary and anytime Pastor Gabby needs permission, to come to him! God took a frustrating situation and worked it out better than we could ever have imagined. Not only did Pastor Gabby gain an influential contact, but also, 25 people came to the Friday night concert because of the flyers we passed out. Thank you so much for prayers! God is working in Argentina and in our lives as well.
Is. 55:8-11

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