August 27, 2010

Final Trip Briefing

After three weeks in Argentina, our team of 17 returned home on August 19, rejoicing in what the Lord has done in and through us. We are so thankful that our trip home was uneventful—no missing people, luggage, or flights. In fact, every flight was right on time!

So, what did we learn in Argentina? Although our mission was to minister to others, we discovered that the Lord used the very people to whom we were ministering to do an even greater work in our own hearts. We came to realize that the language of the gospel quickly bonds our hearts with those who don’t even speak our language. As our team members said their tearful goodbyes, it was evident that our team mission wasn’t about activities (although we had many activities) but rather about engaging with people—people with a varied culture and language, but a common love for Jesus and for each other. Our friend lists on Facebook are expanding with Argentine names and faces we met.

Because the trip included so much, space would not allow a day-by-day expose, but here are some of the highlights:

We performed over 20 concerts, each including a repertoire of both sacred (in Spanish) and classical music, team member testimonies, and an evangelistic message. There were reportedly many professions of faith as a result of these concerts. The team had a couple of opportunities to provide a street performance in the plazas when they traveled south. We even were able to present a short concert in a local public elementary school. Several students from that concert brought their parents to the evening concert that evening and heard the gospel.

We had classroom time with several veteran missionaries, including Ron Self, Christine Self, Andrew Self, and Romina Self. These classes included lectures on cross-cultural ministry, the culture and people of Argentina, cross-cultural church planting, indigenous church planting, challenges on the mission field, and personal spiritual growth.

We coordinated and led a three-day youth retreat for five area youth groups from Buenos Aires, including activities and games, services, and discipleship opportunities. I was so very proud of the team for the way in which they served the teenagers during this retreat.

We engaged in street evangelism, handing out thousands of fliers and tracts presenting both the gospel and the evening concerts. We were blessed to see how God worked through those contacts to bring people to the concert and expose them further to the gospel of Christ. Sarah Ray even had the privilege of leading a man to the Lord on a bus trip using limited Spanish and a gospel tract. Praise the Lord!

We had the opportunity to appear on a national radio program that reaches 1.2 million listeners daily. For three days I was able to talk about the problem of addictions and the liberating power of the gospel of Christ. A fourth day, Joanna Ledgerwood and Alysha Morris were able to play and sing for that large audience as the host promoted our evening concerts.

We engaged in the cultural experience as we took occasional tours and shopping trips into various parts of Buenos Aires. Part of experiencing the culture is experiencing the national foods. Argentines are famous for their delicious pasta, steak, and ice cream, so the team sacrificially and politely consumed the overwhelmingly generous portions the churches served.

We went shopping in several shopping centers around Buenos Aires. The men did the usual obligatory 20-40 minute walk-through (so a change of culture fails to change the male shopping pattern) while the ladies successfully acquired numerous bargains. The men still saved the most money and time, but it appears the ladies had more fun.

We enjoyed the gracious care of Ron and Christina Self. Their organization of the tour and their attention to the details made our stay an incredible experience of a lifetime. We were inspired by their passion for people and their love for the mission field—their home in Buenos Aires.

We are so very grateful for those of you who have supported us both financially and in prayer. We are also thankful that you listen so patiently to our stories as we share just a glimpse of our joy with you. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for Global Encounters as plans are already underway for next year’s teams.
Bruce Meyer

August 17, 2010

God Works it Out

Dear Praying Friends,
Seeing how God works everything out is amazing, especially because His ways are so much better than our ways. We spent Friday and Saturday in Martinez with Pastor Gabriel Verdi and his family. One of the highlights of their year is having Team Argentina at their church. “Pastor Gabby” is very outgoing and always does a huge promotion for our concerts. Last year, the team went to downtown Martinez to play on the street corners and pass out flyers. We were all set to do the same again this year. We had only been playing a few minutes, though, when a policeman came and told us we were not allowed to play there. Pastor Gabby explained that the municipal office had given us permission, but the policemen would not let us continue. We packed up our instruments and started passing out flyers while Pastor Gabby went to the municipal office to complain. The municipal officer told him that, since last year, the law had changed; groups now need written permission to play downtown. But the officer also said that his grandfather was a Baptist missionary and anytime Pastor Gabby needs permission, to come to him! God took a frustrating situation and worked it out better than we could ever have imagined. Not only did Pastor Gabby gain an influential contact, but also, 25 people came to the Friday night concert because of the flyers we passed out. Thank you so much for prayers! God is working in Argentina and in our lives as well.
Is. 55:8-11

Hospital Visit

Dear friends and family,
Hola from Argentina! We have been enjoying our time here and getting to meet the many people of this country. Everywhere we go, we are met with warm greetings. It is beautiful here and most of us are hoping to come back again someday. We have had the opportunity to visit many different churches as well as a school and a children’s home. The three nursing students of the team (including myself) had the amazing privilege of visiting a children’s hospital in Buenos Aires where we got to observe two surgeries. This day was probably one of the highlights of the trip, at least for me. The experience was interesting and even though there was a language barrier most of the time, we still could learn as we watched the procedures. Some of the hospital personnel graciously gave us a tour on each of the floors and answered our questions – all through a limited vocabulary of Spanish and English. I am excited for the opportunities our team has already had and am looking forward to what is ahead for the next few days. I just wanted to thank each one of you who is praying for our team and ask that you would continue to do so. We want to be a light for Jesus everywhere we go and this is something we cannot do in our own strength. Join us in prayer as we seek to glorify God in Argentina! Gracias!
--Bonnie, for the team

August 13, 2010

Ministry to Children and Orphans

Wednesday found our team in Isidro Casanova, a part of Buenos Aires that most locals will advise you NOT to visit. It is on the “other side of the tracks”, so to speak. However, there is a thriving work being done in that community, and we were grateful for the privilege of being able to minister there.

Pastor and Mrs. Barry Courts of Calvary Baptist Church were our hosts. The morning brought an unexpected opportunity. They took our team to a local public school where we performed a “mini concert” and did instrumental demonstrations. The kids loved it! We showed them how to play the guitar, flute, clarinet, cello, oboe, and viola. We also sang several sacred songs. Students and teachers alike expressed their appreciation. We hope and pray that this random visit will provide an “open door” for future outreach opportunities within that community.

Another opportunity was given us to visit Grace Children’s Home (a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church). A couple within the church lives in the home and provides parental support to these kids, who range in age of about 18 to 2 years. The team got to visit the home and spend all afternoon with them. We made what seemed like hundreds of balloon swords, animals, and flowers. With our make-believe swords we conducted “friendly duels” and even gave one little boy the status of “knight-hood!" The team also played volleyball with the older kids. They’re amazing athletes and showed us a few good moves! The evening service wrapped up a wonderful day of fellowship and ministry!
Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers.
--Sherry Trainer

A Life-Changing Bus Ride

This has been such an excellent week! God has continuously proven His grace to us, in that, He continues to use us in ways we can’t even comprehend.
On the bus ride back from Tandil to Buenos Aires, I was able to give a tract to the man sitting across the aisle from me. The man began to skim through the tract, but about halfway through, he actually started reading it. Then, he went back to the beginning and read through the whole thing again. I noticed that his facial expression began to change. After he finished reading, the man turned to me with a huge smile and thanked me for the tract. I asked him if he believed what the tract said, and he smiled and said, “Si.” The man explained that he had never read the Bible but had heard it in church, and he had been thinking about Christ. He thanked me again for the tract and said that he accepted Christ just like me. When I asked if Christ was his personal Savior, his smile widened and he joyfully answered, “Yes! Yes!” God was so gracious! Not only was a man saved, but God’s love was able to cross our language barrier! God allowed me to use what little Spanish I know to share His love with a lost soul!
This past Saturday, the team helped Don Torcuato host their annual Child’s Day Festival. We ran several booths including face painting, balloon animals, and many others. Many families from the community came to the festival, and many heard the gospel!
God has given us some great opportunities to minister to different churches and witness to the lost through our music and the preaching of His Word. So far, about 9-10 people have professed that they have accepted Christ. Please, continue to pray that our team will allow God to work through us. Pray that we will be unified with the sole purpose of bringing glory to the name of Christ!

--Sarah Ray

August 12, 2010

Argentina Team on Radio Friday

Our team will be showcased on the radio again on Friday. We are taking a couple of students to play and to discuss God-honoring music. You can tune in at 9 am central or 10 am eastern time at the following link:

Near the top of that page you will see WMP or "Online." Clicking on either of those links will access the program. Please remember the program is in Spanish so you will hear a lot of Spanish in the first 5-10 minutes or so, but remain patient and you will hear the interviews translated. Also, don't bail out on the program too soon. The host often has a local in to discuss an issue later in the show but so far, he has always given us the last 5 minutes to present the gospel.

August 10, 2010

More Photos From Liz

Liz Lodwick (right) has already submitted nearly 100 photos from the Team Argentina trip. We appreciate both the quality of her work and her willingness to help. You can see all of the photos here:
If you just like looking at photos of Maranatha people and events, you can find more in a different place on the same website:

August 9, 2010

Halfway There

Dear Praying Friends,
We have just passed the halfway point in our trip and are rejoicing in God’s goodness. Earlier this week we traveled to Mar del Plata and Tandil, two beautiful but vastly different towns, just a few hours south of Buenos Aires. In both locations we sang outdoors and distributed flyers and tracts, inviting people to the evening services. We also enjoyed a wonderful fellowship and testimony time with Pastor and Mrs. Don Harris, Pastor Tom Eckman, and Don and Ruthie Harris.
One of the highlights of this trip was being able to perform classical and sacred music for a local music conservatory in Tandil. After singing and playing, we hung around and talked with the students. Some of us had the opportunity to give a gospel witness. Many of these students ended up coming to our service that evening.
After the evening concert I was able to talk with two young ladies, one of whom is studying voice and wants to become a professional singer. The other is studying business in the local university. Both were very appreciative of the musical presentation and how we seemed to evidence a real peace as we sang. That was a wonderful entrance to being able to share the gospel with them. Pray for Estafania and for her friend, Lucia, that they will come to accept Jesus as their Savior and be able to know the true peace that passes all understanding.
Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers! To my husband, Brian: I love and miss you very much, but don’t worry; the kids are taking good care of me!

Sherry Trainer

August 5, 2010

Dr. Meyer on Radio

I am appearing on a provincial radio station Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to noon concerning addictions. The host has an award-winning radio program and likes to address topics relating to Christians. I was on already this morning for a short interview to get started.

The web address is: and the program is Diálogo franco. Keep in mind that we are 1 hour ahead of Eastern Time and 2 ahead of Central.

Next week, he will have some students on also, but the days are yet to be determined. It also appears that he will have Dave Ledgerwood on to discuss music at some point.

Please be aware that the first 5 or so minutes of the program are in Spanish with no translation so don't panic. Once the interview starts, you'll hear one of us in English along with the translation.
Dr. Bruce Meyer

Visitors and The Flaming Pants

To all our praying friends:

God is really blessing our team! We’ve had very good turn-outs for all of our services. We are in Mar del Plata right now and had 20 visitors in last night’s service! What a blessing! I had the opportunity to preach on the love of God and He really spoke through me. We were able to be a tremendous blessing the church.

Continue to pray for good turn-outs and for us to stay focused on serving God. Also pray for our health as many of us are getting sick.

As a side note you all need to ask Dr. Ledge how he almost set his pants on fire! Funny story!
Thanks for your prayers,
Ben Flack

August 3, 2010

Coughs and Sniffles

Thank you all for praying for our team! We have seen God working in so many ways - and it has been incredibly exciting! We do ask for specific prayer for the health of our team. Being that it is winter here in Argentina and colds are going around, our team has begun to sniffle and cough a little more each day.

As far as ministry opportunities are concerned, we have had many - some aniticipated and others not. We have done eight services or so and have seen many decisions made. The team is currently staying in various host homes; and it has been a blessing to get to know some of the church families better. Tomorrow morning we will be going south, to Mar del Plata, to minister for three days in the surrounding churches; and then we will come back to Buenos Aires. Thank you for all your prayers concerning our team. They truly are much appreciated.

On another note, here are some interesting tidbits about members of Team Argentina:

  • Ben Flack was able to make his connection for the Argentina flight, due to an hour delay of the plane to Argentina praise the Lord!

  • Lacey Bland is drinking plenty of water. (It has been neat to see how the Lord provides even the "little" things like bottled water).

  • Liz Lodwick is doing a wonderful job taking pictures for the team.

  • All of the Argentine people love Dr. Meyer's preaching. And there are many people at the church tonight listening to his lecture on "Addictions."

  • Dr. Ledgerwood is doing a beautiful job on the piano (no surprise : ) - and the people LOVE it when he plays his "Mickey Mouse" song.

  • Everyone on the team has been very enthuisiastic and it has been very neat to see how we have "pulled together."

We will do our best to continue to keep you updated. Please continue to keep us in your prayers! THANK YOU!!!

~ Emily Flack, for Team Argentina

Loving the People

Team Argentina highlights:

  • A teen retreat at a camp from Thursday night through Saturday provided the team with multiple ministry opportunities including: planning and organizing activities, producing skits, playing games, discipling the teens, counseling, and learning Spanish. My heart was really blessed watching our team members as they spent time talking with the Argentine teenagers. An additional strength of our team was their versatility in adjusting to pouring rain on Friday. All outdoor games were impossible (except for football in the mud) to have so the team creatively accumulated indoor games. We didn’t have Internet access during this retreat so weren’t able to post any news.

  • We have ministered now in three different churches. We have already fallen in love with the Argentine people—they are such sweet people. The team has been ministering in music with the people responding so sweetly to our music. We really have had such a wonderful time ministering in music and the Word. I have had the opportunity to preach 6 times in 3 days. Ben has also participated by preaching for the teens at the retreat.

  • Sunday evening we ministered at Do Torcuato and were so thrilled to see a 25-30 member orchestra debut in the church using instruments donated by Maranatha over the last two years. The team also ministered a full package of music including testimonies. Praise the Lord especially for several who professed faith in Christ.

  • We have gone on three shopping trips now in various parts of Buenos Aires. We have also experienced a variety of Argentine food in a number of settings; most agree that the Empanadas are the best (except for the plates of steaks we enjoyed at “Follow the Cow”).

  • Early Tuesday morning, the team leaves for Mar del Plata (south about 5 hours) to minister in a number of churches. I remain in Don Torcuato to teach a class on Counseling Addictions Monday through Friday in the evening. Please pray for the team’s health (cold weather has been difficult) since the team is heading into even colder temps with snow in the forecast. Sore throats are beginning to emerge already.

Dr. Meyer